I’m one of those individuals who likes to know what makes people tick. And when you look at my somewhat varied CV, I suppose it’s no wonder. From working in an office, to managing a training & advice centre; from teaching in Further Education, to being an outreach worker for Women’s Aid; indeed, I’ve even done a stint in a Bookies, although admittedly this role didn’t last too long, on account of me not having a clue what I was doing.
But what all these jobs do have in common is the fact that they all involve dealing with a wide range of people on some level or another. And I have to say thanks to my inbuilt curiosity, I find how people interact with both each other and their surroundings somewhat more than fascinating.
Yes, I’m definitely one of life’s people watchers. To the point that I can become so engrossed in someone else’s conversation that I don’t actually realise they’ve, by now, stopped talking. And having long since noticed my interest in their exchange, they are, in fact, now staring straight back at me! Then there’s the lone individual sat in the corner of a restaurant, for whom after five minutes of observations I’ve managed to come up with an entire life story, past, present and future – none of it particularly true, of course, but most certainly very believable.
Hence, in answer to the title question, it’s pretty evident that people are what inspire me to put pen to paper. Ordinary people like you and I, living their ordinary lives. Until something happens to turn all that ordinariness right on its head and so the story begins...
But for others, the muse could’ve crept in from some entirely different arena. After all, some Authors might have an issue so close to their heart and feel not only is it important to get their message out, but that their writing is the most effective way of doing so. Whereas other Authors are fantastic ideas people, coming up with plot after plot, ready to be developed into full blown stories...
So, with all this in mind I’m now I’m going to ask all of you 'Why do you write what you write?'
A perfectly reasonable question, wouldn’t you say, coming from a woman who likes to know what it is that makes people tick!